Thermometer Stem Fit when using a Dry Block Calibrator

Dry block calibrators use a metallic block that holds the thermometer, which gets heated or cooled to the desired testing temperature. The hole within the block or "well" must match the diameter of the thermometer stem. Some calibrators offer various diameter holes and removable wells for maximum versatility.

The Check-Set calibrators offer multiple probe versatility

In order to get the most accurate readings on your thermometer when using a dry block calibrator, the probe should fit snugly into the appropriate hole, and the probe sensing area of the thermometer should be fully inserted into the Temperature Control Zone of the calibrator.

The immersion depth of the thermometer will depend on the instrument type

The immersion depth of the thermometer will depend on the instrument type. Check your thermometer manufacturer's user manual for specifications on the appropriate probe sensing area.

For more information on dry block calibrator use and applications click here, or contact us.
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